Saturday, December 14, 2013

Is Christmas all it's cracked up to be?

Every year I deal with a love-hate relationship with the whole Christmas celebration. I have always been one to go against the flow of what many do. Whenever I see folks enter into the whole Christmas mode, it reminds me of lemmings following each other off the cliff, and unfortunately, I can tend to get caught up in the fray as well. I try to do Christmas my way, giving as God leads me, and just enjoying various "perks" like peppermint everything offered in stores.
But what is really going on? Yes, people say its a time to be generous and help the poor, and that's a good thing. People like the idea of getting together with family and blessing each other. That's a good thing too.
I guess what I DONT like about Christmas is the emphasis on shopping and sales and consumerism. Merchants LOVE Christmas and rightly so. We've turned it into a feeding frenzy regarding shopping!
We do the same things over and over again, expecting different results, yet don't see anything wrong with that. Last time I checked, that was the definition of insanity.
People love Christmas, because it has nothing to do with Christ. If it had anything to do with Christ, most of the world would shun it.
Maybe there is a small minority who Christianize the holiday, but that is what happened back in the times of Constantine when he wanted to placate the Pagans, he put a Christian stamp on everything.
Christmas is definitely not Christian, its more of a conglomeration of various pagan and cultural traditions all rolled up in one. What really seems to me to be an abomination is the Christmas tree. My husband pointed out how people actually "bow down" to receive their gifts which are under the talk about pagan worship. The Bible specifically spells out that we are not to put idols or trees especially into our homes and decorate them with gold and silver...hmmmmm. 
I think what helps me have this mindset is the fact that I did not grow up with Christmas. I always envied the people who celebrated. They seemed to be having such a good time.
I love to bless people, but its because of the goodness of God, not a one time holiday.
People may think that folks like me are scrooge like but they can think what they want.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
I enjoy Christmas lights, and various things about this holiday, in some ways its fun.
But when it comes to the tree and other rituals that people feel obligated to do, that's not for me. Am I taking this too seriously? Well years ago, there was a saying amongst Christians: What Would Jesus Do? I tend to think that Jesus would want me free from what the world thinks is good to do, especially when it comes to celebrating an amalgamation of traditions that have nothing to do with His birthday. The point is: as a Christian, we want to do what glorifies God. Jesus has always been, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. We celebrate his presence in our lives every day. What is December 25 to me? Just another day. And that's okay with me.
Everyone has to come to this realization on their own. I don't condemn anyone who celebrates Christmas, but at the same time, I have a right to express what I believe. Along the theme of this blog itself, its all about freedom! I'm free! I can go see gingerbread houses, I can eat candy canes, I can even display lights if I want, but I'm not bound by it. I just see it for what it is: a sham! Like everything else in this world that offers a counterfeit to who we are and what we have in Christ.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

God does want to help us with everything

I was thinking of how much religion differs from relationship, especially a relationship with God Himself through Jesus Christ. Religion wants to keep you from arm's length, away from God. Jesus longs to draw you close, in fact, when you receive Him into your heart, He is there as close as your breath. Religion wants to make you believe that you have to constantly strive to know God and to get help from God. Jesus says that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He wants to be by your side helping you with everything. Everything??? Yes, everything. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Life is truly what you make it.

Though at times you may not know it, you have a choice to be happy. Having lived in deep depression for days, and coming out to the other side, I know what it's like to suffer.
I really want to help people. I think I can use my journey to help others who are stuck on the path.
Today, I was just feeling down. I didn't want to go on. I went up to make a cup of coconut milk and chocolate and God showed me that I do have a choice. I can choose life! Since then, I'm doing much better. We have to remember that we are fighting a good fight of faith!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

God Has Great Things in Store!

Our Future is Bright! The way things are going in the world, we dont have long before the Lord Jesus will come back and set things right! Of course, first the rapture, the tribulation, then the Millenium! Be watchful folks, this is not a fairytale. Give your life to Jesus while there is still time.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Such a Small World

It's always been said that its a small world after all. And that saying can be so right on!
In the current occupation that my hubby and I are involved in, we come across so many folks.
And with most of them, we have so much in common. Whether it's likes or dislikes, places we have been, our name it. There is a common denominator! Is it because the family of man is so linked together? Is it because there is nothing new under the sun? Whatever it is, I find it fascinating to say the least.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Economy of Care

This day and age, as in any time in history, since man has learned about the value of goods and services, money has been on the forefront of people's minds. It's the driving force behind hitting that alarm button and getting up and going to work. I woke up thinking about what are people's highest aspirations and what is behind money and the economy? I then thought about God's economy, the Economy of Care. What if caring for people, love and tenderness was behind our every endeavor and plans for the day? What a world this would be. There are some people, I have heard who have tried to make due without money, who are part of an experiment to see if they can function on the barter system. In a perfect world it would work, but this is far from a perfect world. I think of the scripture: "Seek First the Kingdom of God, and It's Righteousness and All Else Will be Added Unto You". The Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit. If we seek Him first and care about what He cares about, His Economy of Care, then we will be taken care of.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Tablet Computing is Awesome

Technology has advanced so much. Now we have a marriage between laptops and smartphones. And they work.